Friday, April 3, 2020

6 Eco-Friendly Ways of Doing Laundry

Image by Willi Heidelbach from Pixabay 

Every time we do our laundry using the washer, we generate electricity, consume gallons of water, and use detergents that may be harmful to the environment. Are there ways to conserve resources and be safe at the same time? Follow these tips for wiser, more eco-friendly ways of doing your laundry:

* Wash full loads. Fill your washer to the maximum to get the most out of water and energy use.

* Use cold water for rinsing. This not only saves energy consumption, it also saves your fabric. About eighty-five to ninety percent of the energy used to wash clothes actually goes to heat the water for your washer.

* Use eco-friendly detergents. Choose brands that use plant-based and biodegradable ingredients. Any product that does not contain chemical fragrances or dyes is best for the environment, too.

* Avoid using chlorine bleach. What’s the better alternative? Oxygen bleach! It’s color-safe, fabric-friendly, and eco-friendly. 

* Dry clothes in a clothesline. This is the most natural way to dry your clothes. It saves energy and money and preserves the quality of your clothes. 

* Use a highly efficient washer or dryer. Most appliance stores can suggest a good brand and model that can help you save energy, water, and money in the long run. 

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