Saturday, October 1, 2011

Two Simple Ways to Detox Your Body

There are many ways to detox the body. If you are new to body detox, you may want to go easy at first and try something that you can easily achieve. As you get used to regular body detox, you can then try other programs or ways to eliminate toxins from your body. Whatever type of detox you choose, it should be something that suits your lifestyle and preference.

There are two simple ways to detox your body:

Juice Fasting

If your goal is to get rid of toxins and lose weight quickly, juice fasting may be a good choice. Drink only fresh fruits and vegetables for 1 to 3 days, depending on how long you can last. Do not force yourself to go beyond 3 days if you begin to experience discomfort. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours of fasting is already a good start.

Choose fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, antioxidants and nutrients. These include apple, cabbage, carrot, papaya, pineapple and cranberry. Avoid citrus fruits as the high acid content may upset your stomach.
Juice fasting effectively flushes out toxins; it also loads up your body with nutrients and enzyme that aid in the cleansing process.

After a juice fasting, you should feel light and clean from within. If you plan to go on juice fasting for a longer period, consult a medical practitioner.

Water Fasting

Water fasting makes a good choice if you need to revitalize your body and get rid of toxins at the same time.

During a water fast, only water is consumed. Water allows the digestive system to rest completely. This type of fasting also uses up the body’s energy to self-repair and strengthen damaged organs.

Water fasting effectively eliminates toxin build-ups and aids in self-healing. After completing the regimen, you will rejuvenated and clean from within.

Before going on water fasting, go to medical practitioner for careful assessment.

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